
STROYGAZTEHNOLOGII LLC has successfully completed the ISO 9001 certification process


STROYGAZTEHNOLOGII LLC conducted a regular special assessment of working conditions

Main / SOLUTION / Broadband Wireless Access

Broadband Wireless Access

  The main feature of the broadband wireless radio access (BWA) is the use of wide frequency bands up to 40MHzwithtimeduplexand multiple access technology, which allows you to get up to speed 200+ Mbit/sand provide links to several tens of Subscriber stations in one frequency range.  

  Broadband wireless access systems is fixed service according to:
TheDecreeoftheGovernmentoftheRussianFederationdatedDecember 21, 2011 year №1049-34
On approval of the allocation of the radio frequency bands Table between radio services of the Russian Federation and the nullification of certain resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation
  Decisions GRFCof 25 September 2000 year. N 2/7, 28 November 2005 year.N 05-10-01-001 and of 25 June 2007 year. N 07-21-02-001, for BWA systems identified the following frequency bands: 1,427-1,535; 2,2-2,4; 2400-2483,5; 2,5-2,7; 3,4-3,55; 5,65-5,85; 10,15-10,65; 24,5-26,5; 27,5-29,5; 40,5-43,5 GHz.
 When you build the BWA system there are available two basic architectures.
 Point-to-point: is the fixed communication system for high-speed data transmission (uncommon voices)between two fixed points,thus allowing secure data exchange quickly at minimum cost. Great for use as a temporary communications systems, or as a backup channel for non-critical applications.


  Point-to-multipoint: is the fixed communication system for high-speed data transmission (uncommon voices)between fixed base station and Subscriber stations within the zone cover.Great for temporary connection of fixed objects, such as providing communication facilities in the wagon town during the construction period.

+7 (495) 724 99 07, +7 (985) 724 99 77, факс +7 (916) 703 20 68